ZRB's Cyberspace - Home

Well I was a little annoyed that a single blog did not have any option to categorize what I had. I can be disorganized but not my tools. So after some work I found this hack using blog-sender and email posting. So here it is.

Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

My blogs will talk for me...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

[ZRB's Cyberspace - Sights] 5/10/2005 11:44:34 AM

Met Dopan, Nandhi and SV on a hot sunday afternoon. Had coffee, icecream, some exotic desert which I no longer remember and some fruit juices at the Gream Road Fruit Shop. The Fruit Shop looked deserted, unfortunately :-((, when we were there.

Posted by zrb to ZRB's Cyberspace - Sights at 5/10/2005 11:44:34 AM


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